How is Wilma different from other ride-hailing and ride-sharing services?

Wilma is no ordinary ride hailing service. With Wilma, Rider members know they will always be driven by a woman, and Driver members know another female member is in their back seat. With our unique subscription model comes a community of safety and sisterhood. You will also be connected with like-minded women who share our vision for this incredible movement.

Beyond the core of providing peace of mind for both Drivers and Rider members, we offer lower ride rates for members (NO booking fees per ride) and higher take home revenues for our Drivers (85% of the fares go to our Drivers).

What is Ride hailing for women?

Ride hailing, also called ride sourcing or ride sharing, is a way for people to request rides to and from the location of their choice, using a smartphone app. Ride hailing for women refers to the process of “hailing” or “hiring” a woman driver by a woman rider to reach her exact destination.

What is Wilma?

Wilma is North America’s first women-driving-women, ride-hailing membership service dedicated to creating a safe space for women to travel and work safely within the ride-hailing gig economy.

We are at the forefront of solutions to provide an alternative, hassle-free ride hailing service and job opportunities that work for and empower women. When you join Wilma, you are entering a community of empowered women who are choosing to travel together.

At Wilma, we recognize the dignity and worth of every person and will provide equal rights and opportunities without discrimination. Therefore, non-binary and trans people will be provided access that is consistent with their gender identity.

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